the day i turned 3
Posted by kyden on Monday Oct 1, 2012 Under Uncategorizedi have been looking forward to my birthday for a long time. for the past few months, when someone would ask how old i am, i’d tell them “i’m 2. be 3 in october.” it’s finally october. and now i’m 3!
mama took the day off to spend my birthday with me. i wanted waffles for breakfast, so she made waffles for me. and then off to the doctor we went. (a trip to the doctor??? what kind of birthday present is that?)
i stood on the scale to get weighed, and i stood against the wall to get measured. i am 37 inches tall (36 %ile) and weigh 30 lbs. (31 %ile). once i got into the exam room i recognized the bucket scale. i told mama that that was for little boys (holding my hands close together to show “little”), but i didn’t use it because i am a big boy. i also had my blood pressure taken for the first time. the doctor said i didn’t need any immunizations, but flu S-H-O-T’s were available if i wanted one. mama asked me if i wanted a flu shot. she said it would prevent me from getting sick. can you believe that i said yes??? i didn’t cry at all. i really am a big boy.
after the shot, my arm got really sore. i complained to mama that my arm hurt. my eyes were watery and i looked at mama like “why would you do this to me on my birthday”? she felt terrible.
after that, mama said we could go anywhere i wanted — the zoo, the aquarium, the discovery museum, anywhere. i wanted to go to costco. “anywhere but coscto”, mama added. our plan was to stop home, grab a camera, and then head out for the day. when we got home, i saw some presents waiting for me. (they were from friends who gave me gifts last week, but i was waiting until today to open them.) i opened my presents and then insisted on playing with my new toys! that killed the rest of the morning.
when we finally got going again, we headed to the park for a picnic lunch. we had a picnic in the park — just me and mama. i love having mommy and kyden time without everyone else. after our picnic, we played in the playground for a short while, but it was SO HOT and the sun made a lot of the playground structure too hot to play on. i ran around a little bit, though. check out the photo. who says that you can’t be in two places at once — i can be in 6!
after playing for a little while, we got outta there and went out for froyo. i like froyo. white (plain) froyo is my favorite. whenever we get froyo, i get to have one gummy bear on top. today, i got 3. cuz i’m 3!
happy birthday to me 🙂