i am 3.5 years old. here’s what i’ve been up to these days.
daily schedule:
- 8:30am: wake up. my wake up time has been getting later and later. these days, i’m usually up between 8:00 and 9:00am. it depends on whether i napped the day before. i get up, go potty, and get dressed by myself.
- 8:45am: breakfast
- 11:45pm: lunch. now that sienna is taking only one nap per day, we try to eat an early lunch so she can nap right afterwards.
- 3:30pm: nap (about 75% of the time). i prefer to have someone come upstairs and stay with me while i wind down for naptime, but sometimes i’ll (grudgingly) nap by myself.
- 5:00pm: if i nap, i get to watch ni hao, kai-lan.
- 6:45pm: dinner
- 8:45pm: shower
- 9:15pm: read stories and brush teeth
- 9:30pm: lights out. bedtime songs. dada usally puts me to bed, but i always ask mama to come see me after sienna goes to sleep.
- 9:45pm: zzz…
things i’m good at:
- writing my name. i can write my name and most other letters without tracing or looking at a reference. when i write birthday cards, i write my name by myself and i write my friends’ names on the front of the envelope.
- going potty by myself. i can go potty, wash my hands, and do everything all by myself. i even wipe myself when i go poo-poo.
- getting dressed by myself. even though i always ask someone to help me, i don’t really need the help. i just appreciate the moral support. (i have trouble with buttons and zippers, but if i’m wearing pants with an elastic waistband, i’m all over it.)
things i’m working on:
- articulation. i can now make the “ch” sound consistently. i am getting better at pronouncing “l” as a final consonant. still working on the “r” sound.
- staying dry at nighttime. i still wear a pull-up to sleep at night, and every morning when i wake up, it is soaked. mommy’s theory is that i am peeing in my pull-up first thing in the morning instead of using the potty. so now, i’m working on fighting through my sleepiness/laziness/coldness to drag my butt out of bed and use the potty when i wake up.
- improving my aim. i’ve recently started peeing standing up and still refining my trajectories. ‘nuf said.
things i do that make mama and dada unhappy:
- telling daddy that i don’t love him. i always want mommy to put me to bed, to take me to sharks games, and basically to be with me all the time. i say that it’s because i love mommy and that i don’t love daddy. everyone knows that it’s not true, so i don’t know why mommy gets so upset when i say it.
- putting sienna in time out. i give her a timeout and tell her to stay there until she’s ready to listen. and she does! mommy and daddy don’t like it when i get on power trips like that. but they do it to me, so why shouldn’t i be able to do it to sienna?
- crying tantrums. i cry a lot. mommy and daddy used to think that i was just an overly sensitive kid, but one of my teachers at school suggested that i am just not comfortable using my words all the time. so when mommy tells me that i can’t watch another episode of ni hao, kai-lan, i cry. when one of my friends grabs a toy out of my hand, i cry. when i don’t get my way, i cry. i guess this should be added to my “things i’m working on” list.
things i do that make mommy and daddy proud:
- recycling. i believe in taking care of the place where we all live. that means picking up trash and recycling. i point out recycling bins wherever i go. i look for the recycling arrows on boxes, bottles, and cans. i even pull recyclables out of the trash and put them in the recycling bin, and then i reprimand the person that threw it in the trash.
- miyagi’ing sienna. when she gets hurt, i miyagi her and it makes her owie all better. this is just one of the many ways that i take care of sienna.
- being polite. i am very good at asking nicely by saying “may i please…?” and “will you please…?” and when interrupting people, i always say “excuse me”.
things about me that mommy and daddy worry about:
- i am a lover, not a fighter. so when another kid is mean to me, i am bewildered — i just stand there, confused, and sometimes i cry. mommy and daddy are happy that i don’t respond with violence, but they are worried that i will get picked on in school if i don’t learn to stand up for myself.
- i have a phenomenal memory. phenomenal. mommy and daddy have even (briefly) considered that i might have an eidetic memory. people with good memories often get lazy because they can get by on recall. mommy does it. mommy and daddy hope i don’t become intellectually lazy too. i’m already showing the signs.
- my neck rolls. i still have them. they were cute when i was baby kyden. maybe even when i was one year old. but i’m 3 and a half now. mommy and daddy are starting to think that they’ll never go away 😛
favorite indoor activities:
- building. i still like my legos, but i also love building things with my “wooden” foam blocks, and i recently discovered 3-D magnet builders. i also like assembling and disassembling things with my power tools.
- making music, singing, and dancing.
- playing supermarket. i have a pretend supermarket and a lot of pretend food (donuts, sandwiches, sushi, fruit etc.). my prices change by the minute. currently, i’m selling donuts for $60.40 and bananas for $40.90.
- playing games. my favorites are “candyland” and “chutes and ladders”. i also like playing card games like “go fish”.
- going to sharks games. i LOVE going to games and doing all the cheers and singing “they hey song”! i hope we keep our season tickets next year. daddy doesn’t want to renew them after we move. 🙁
favorite outdoor activities:
- writing and drawing with sidewalk chalk. we even draw hopscotch grids so that we can play hopscotch. i am getting good at hopping on on foot!
- looking for bugs. my favorites are roly polys.
- driving my cars (ride on toys). i am way too big for them, but i like to ride them in front of the house, drag my feet on the ground, are wear holes in my shoes. now that the weather is getting nicer, i hope to be going on longer rides on my run bike!
- taking walks to the construction site and watching the tractors and diggers at work.
- playing at the playground. i love climbing on play structures and digging in sand.
favorite book: disney bedtime favorites. my favorite story is “mickey mouse and the pet shop”. i love hearing about how mickey first met pluto.
favorite song: i love singing. i sing all the time — with music, without music, with others, and or by myself — it doesn’t matter. my current favorite song is “where is thumbkin?” i also love listening to the mickey mouse clubhouse CD any time i’m in mommy’s car, and i can sing along with every one of those songs.
favorite mobile app: nighty night! i’ve only used this app a few times, but i love it. i get to put all the animals to bed. daddy has started letting me play this 2-minute app on nights that i let him put me to bed.
favorite snacks: i love dried fruit. we always have dried fruit on hand (mangoes, apricots, apple chips, craisins), and i love snacking on it because it’s so sweet and yummy. i also love cake, but i only get that at birthday parties and i only get to have 3 bites.
favorite character: i still like mickey, but kai-lan is my new favorite.
favorite animal: it depends on the time of day. the last three times mommy asked me, i gave three different answers: kitty cats, alligators, and giraffes.