gym shopping
Posted by kyden on Friday Aug 16, 2013 Under Uncategorizedi like my gym. even though it’s far away from home, i’m having fun. and my confidence is growing every week. when i first started this class, i wouldn’t even attempt to climb the rope web. and then i climbed 2 rungs. and then i got high enough to reach the bottom of the scarf. and now i can touch the top of the scarf! but the main reason why we continue going to airborne is so i can see matthew every week (and mommy and daddy can see auntie audrey and uncle alan).
well, matthew is going to have a little brother pretty soon. and after his little brother comes, matthew is going to take a break from gym class so that he can stay home and take care of the baby (and so that auntie audrey can recover). unfortunately, airborne is going to make matthew drop the class and they won’t save his spot. well, if matthew is going to have to drop, then i’m dropping too. (we’ve been thinking about leaving airborne anyway.) leaving airborne will be a good opportunity for us to find a new gym closer to home, and it’s a perfect time to find a class for sienna, too. so we went gym hopping this week.
on monday, sienna went to check out my gym. no, not airborne, the gym is called “my gym”. she had a great time. it’s similar to the little gym. they sang songs, played with bubbles and balls, tried out the kid-sized apparatuses, and learned a couple of skills. it’s a lot of “play”, which is fine for little kids like sienna. sienna loved it. mommy thought it was okay, but she didn’t love the tiny facility or high-pressured sales pitch. plus, it doesn’t really seem like that gym would be very good for bigger kids like me.
on friday, sienna and i both went to a trial class at edge gymnastics. we were running a little late so mommy shoved me into the warm up circle with the rest of my class, and then she rushed off to sienna’s parent participation class. mommy was worried that i’d get upset and want to go with her and sienna, but i was totally fine.
edge is pretty much just like airborne. it’s a hard core gymnastics training center in a humungous facility. it took sienna a little while to warm up to the class — maybe because it’s a lot of skills, and not a lot of play. but she eventually got into it. i loved my class at edge. i want to start going there instead of airborne. there is a friday time slot that has a class for both me and sienna. the only problem is that it starts at 3:45pm, which is not the most convenient time for any of us.
for now, i’m committed to airborne until the end of the month. i’ll probably switch to edge after that. not sure what sienna is going to do.