we wanted to do something a little different to celebrate mother’s day this year. so instead of our usual brunch, we took mommy and grandma (and the rest of the family) on a train ride!
first, we met grandma, grandpa, and uncle randy for lunch. we ate at chez sovan, one of the places that mommy misses most about the south bay. then we all headed down to roaring camp, which is in a little town called felton, near santa cruz. grandpa said that he had taken the family there when daddy was little, but daddy didn’t remember it. for mommy, me, and sienna, it was our first time.

there are a couple of different routes you can take from roaring camp. there’s a 3 hour beach train to santa cruz, but nobody believed that sienna and i would be able to sit still for that long. we chose the stream train through the redwood forest. while we waited for our train, sienna and i entertained ourselves by played in the little “town”.
the train ride was about 90 minutes long (round trip), including a stop at the top of bear mountain. throughout most of the ride, sienna alternated between providing sound effects and signing “let it go” at the top of her lungs. luckily, the train was pretty loud, so she didn’t embarrass us too much.
when we got to the top of the mountain, we went for a short walk. i was so excited because i’ve never actually been in the woods before.
after the train ride, we got off, and i spotted some big troughs where people were panning for gold. i wanted to find gold! so we all gathered around and a man demonstrated for us, proper panning technique. mommy asked to see a sample of the gold so we would know what we were looking for. the man showed us a gold flake in a small vial. i asked in disbelief, “that little dot?!”
we found the first gold flake pretty quickly. but we couldn’t go home with just one, because sienna and i would surely fight over it. it took us a long time to find the second one, but we eventually did, and quickly found a few more after that. we ended up with 6 little dots of gold in total. maybe 5. one of them is so small, it’s hard to tell. 😛
when we got home, sienna and i gave mommy the special cards that we made for her. daddy helped us trace our hand prints and connect them with a folded strip of paper that says “i love you this much!” when i was making the card, i told daddy that i love mommy more than that, and i wanted a strip of paper that was much much longer. he said he didn’t have one. but that’s okay, i made sure mommy knew.
me: i love you more than the moon.
mommy: i love you more than the moon and all the stars.
me: i love you more than googol.
(i recently learned that googol is the biggest number in the whole world.)
happy mother’s day to mommy and grandma. we hope you had a roaring good time on your special day!