last year, i finished my very first triathlon. this year, when mommy was registering me for the same event (silicon valley kids tri), sienna insisted that she wanted to do it, too. the conversation went something like this.
sienna: i wanna do swim bike run with kyden.
mommy: no baby, why don’t you wait until you’re a little bigger.
sienna: no! i want to!
mommy: are you sure?
sienna: yes! i want to!
mommy: but you don’t even know how to ride a bike.
sienna: but i can try.
mommy admired sienna’s can-do attitude so much that she registered sienna for the race. she figured that sienna would change her mind before race day came around, but she considered the race fees a donation to a good cause.
well, today was race day. and not only did sienna race with me, but so did kai-kai, matthew, and logan. one of my friends from school did the tri, too! funny how triathlons have become so mainstream. =P
here’s my race report.
uncle randy raced with me, and mommy raced with sienna. neither of us was planning to swim with a kickboard, but as we headed toward our lanes, we saw two extra kickboards lying around. so we grabbed them. i think uncle randy was relieved. he had a kickboard for himself, but i think he was a little concerned about having to rescue me on the swim. =P sienna doesn’t really use a kickboard properly, but at least it got her to swim on her tummy (which she doesn’t really like to do). without it, she probably would have swum the entire length of the pool on her back.
i think i might have been the very last swimmer out of the pool. sienna beat me, but that’s because mommy was holding the front of her kickboard and was probably pulling her along. i put on my flip flops and was ready to go, but sienna stood around for a long time. she refused to put on her flip flops because she wanted to swim again! sienna wasn’t being a very good listener, but i waited for her like a good big brother.

when we got back to the transition area, mommy helped sienna change and put her helmet on really fast. sienna was ready to roll. do you think she waited for me while i changed and put on my helmet, knees pads, elbow pads, and gloves? not a chance.
the bike course is an out and back. the way out is a slight incline, which means that the second half of the course is downhill. i am fast on my bike as it is, but on the way back, i was flying. (i was going so fast that i had to brake periodically to keep from careening out of control.) it’s a good thing that uncle randy is such a fast runner. there’s no way that mommy would have been able to keep up with me.
sienna can be fast on her run bike, but she wasn’t today. she took a leisurely ride, stopped frequently for water, and stopped to talk to almost every volunteer on the course. many of them asked mommy how old sienna was. mommy responded “2”. but each time, sienna corrected her and said that she was 2 1/2. and then she would start talking about her peacocks class at school, about the relative sizes of her bike vs. kyden’s bike vs. mommy’s bike vs. the volunteer’s bike, etc. mommy thought they’d be out there all day. but when the bike finish was finally in sight, mommy ran ahead so that she could take a video of sienna. many of the volunteers also took their camera’s out to take pictures of sienna. but sienna wouldn’t budge. mommy had to run back to see what the problem was. it turned out that sienna didn’t want any photographs taken. she refused to ride through the finish until all the paparazzi put away their cameras.

i had finished the bike course long before sienna did. back in the transition area, i drank some water, ate a granola bar, and waited for sienna. meanwhile, uncle randy was texting mommy to see if she wanted us to wait or if we should head on out to the run course. mommy told us to go ahead without them. so we did.
the course was a breeze for me this year. i drank the water that uncle randy offered me, but i didn’t stop — i drank on the run.
by the time sienna started her run, the race was pretty much over. but there was still one volunteer on the track, and of course, the rest of us were waiting for her at the finish. sienna was supposed to run 1.5 laps like the rest of us, but the volunteer let her finish after only 1/2 a lap. it’s a good thing, because i’m not sure if she would have made it all the way around another time.
i finished 186 out of 193 in my age group (6 and under). my time was 26:55, but i bet a lot of that time was spent waiting for sienna or in transition. sienna was the very last finisher in the entire race. and technically, she didn’t really finish. but i won’t burst her bubble. her time was 39:07.
we headed over to the post race expo to get the jamba juice that was supposed to be waiting for us. but they were out! it’s a good thing that there was shave ice, or there would have been some real trouble. and to our surprise, sienna was called up to the podium to receive a plaque. she swept her age group! (she was the only 2yo finisher.) we knew that there would be awards for each age, but we thought that assisted athletes would not be eligible.
i was pretty upset that sienna got “two things” (a medal plus a plaque) and i only got one (a medal). but mommy reminded be that i would have been much faster if didn’t wait for sienna and spend so much time in transition. i’m over it now, but i can’t wait to do another triathlon, and i’m not going to wait for sienna next time. i hear there’s another kids tri next month. 🙂
here are our all of our race day photos if you wanna see!